
This blog of mine: "Circus of Life" is a sharing of my observations, feelings,views and perspective of life, after having suddenly lost a young son. It began with this life changing moment and has been cathartic for me, ever since. If you happen to have stumbled by, I hope you find my journey of some relevance!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

It is that time again!

As we get close to the 23rd Feb., I can sense that we are on the edge!
The mind is restless,flashes of two years ago, seem to whiz by.

We are planning a quiet day, on the 20th (Akhil's anniversary as per the Hindu calendar) with a prayer and on the 23rd we will also be continuing the effort with Beyond Carlton and of course, will miss him terribly.

I haven't been writing for a while and that has to do with a new professional engagement, that has me more occupied!Possibly good, that I am distracted!

Such is life, a roller coaster and that I guess, is  the circus of life...!

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