
This blog of mine: "Circus of Life" is a sharing of my observations, feelings,views and perspective of life, after having suddenly lost a young son. It began with this life changing moment and has been cathartic for me, ever since. If you happen to have stumbled by, I hope you find my journey of some relevance!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Two months on...there is good around!

It is now two months since it happened. Its been very different!
On the one hand the loss of a loved one,is still hurting badly,on the other,the sheer number of people who have reached out to Nithya and me have made us believe the world has a lot of good people too!
From Akhil's friends, to some of my own, who have joined our cause, to people whom we have got to know, after this tragedy.To us, this is so gratifying!
My effort with Beyond Carlton too has begun to take better shape, we did a few nice things-23rd happened to be Surabhi Joshi's[one of the unfortunate who lost her life] birthday and we decided to plant a sapling in her memory.This has led us to believe that we need to cleberate all the 8 others,who are no longer with us in some manner like this.
Yesterday,was the start of our awareness campaign and it was again so nice to see the support we got.Support from the Forum Mall,Ogilvy and various other suppliers.
We surely must be touching people!
This makes me feel that out of our adversity we are slowly carving out some good!
Thank you all, you are making our journey a lot smoother!


  1. Hi Uncle

    We'll always be there for you. :)

    PS: Was great meeting Aunty and you, yesterday. You are wonderful people. No wonder Akhil was the gem that he was. :)


  2. Yes...the support has been wonderful...

    Im glad to see the strength and positivity in you and the family. Thnks to Nitin and Melissa as well who have truly supported this cause.
