
This blog of mine: "Circus of Life" is a sharing of my observations, feelings,views and perspective of life, after having suddenly lost a young son. It began with this life changing moment and has been cathartic for me, ever since. If you happen to have stumbled by, I hope you find my journey of some relevance!

Monday, October 11, 2010

10.10.10 happy birthday Akhil!

Yesterday, 10.10.10 was Akhil's 24th birthday.Something he looked forward to and had spoken to us about.Guess, because this date would come once in a while and it made it special for him.
We felt, we should 'celebrate' his birthday, much like he would have done. So, we had a bunch of his school and college friends over.They remembered, the strange things they did together, the pranks they played and in a way expressed, in their own way, their happy moments together. I also felt, each of them wanted us to smile and be happy this day!
Nithya and me actually spoke, after they left and wondered, if we as 20year olds, actually were so compassionate and caring as these kids showed us.To take time off, on a Sunday and bring cheer to our home was truly admirable.
Another young friend whom we now, have the privilege to meet,has written a beautiful piece.
Click on this link:http://sobriquetforme.blogspot.com/2010/10/10-10-10.html

Thank you all for making us feel, he was around and bringing us cheer!

If any of you do remember Akhil, in any way on this special day, do leave a comment.


  1. Happy birthday Akhil! :) We're October people and we still rock!

    Peace! :)

  2. Dears Uday & Nithya,

    Missed your post on Akhil’s birthday. Logged on to this site after a gap of over 2 weeks, as I was away in Mumbai in connection with my mom’s 1st death anniversary and then got busy with Neha’s engagement. The guests have all left now. Today being the 24th, I presumed there would be your monthly post on your life after Akhil, but was sad that I had missed being with you all in my thoughts on his birthday.

    Went through the link you had mentioned and loved every word of what Reynah had written. God bless her.

    Here is a little poetic inspiration I managed to get my hands on and would like to share it with you all. Here it goes……….

    After A While

    After a while you learn the subtle difference
    Between holding a hand and chaining a soul,

    And you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning
    And company doesn’t mean security.

    And you begin to learn that kisses are in contracts.
    And presents aren’t promises,

    When you begin to accept your defeats
    With your head up and your eyes open

    With the grace of a man and not the grief of a child
    And you learn to build all your roads on today

    Because tomorrows ground is too uncertain for plans
    And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

    After a while you learn
    That even sunshine burns if you get too much

    So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,
    Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

    And you learn that you really can endure…..
    That you really are strong.
    And you really do have worth.
    And you learn and learn….
    With every goodbye you learn.

    God be with you.

    Take Care,
    Kala Kudva
